Insights from Splunk’s 2024 Security Predictions Webinar

Insights from Splunk’s 2024 Security Predictions Webinar

Clock Icon2024.03.26


Hemanth from the department of alliance. It is critical to remain ahead of cybersecurity risks in the quickly changing digital ecosystem. The most recent Splunk Security Predictions webcast provided insightful information about the direction that cybersecurity is taking. Let's explore the main forecasts and patterns that were brought up during the meeting.


Splunk is a platform that makes it easier to explore historical and real-time data by gathering, indexing, and analyzing machine-generated data. Organizations looking to extract meaningful insights and discover threats from their data will find it helpful because to its robust search capabilities, monitoring tools, and security measures.


AI Predictions: Shaping the Future of Security

AI revolutionizes cybersecurity by effectively identifying dangerous dangers by evaluating large amounts of data. It covers detection and response for the full spectrum of cybersecurity, providing solutions that are easy to integrate with current platforms and tackle a variety of use cases, ultimately resulting in tool consolidation. Although AI is now used to support daily operations, it has the potential to improve cybersecurity positions and empower younger analysts. AI enhances rather than replaces human skills, despite worries about over-reliance. Nonetheless, issues like the prevalence of deepfakes produced by AI and the absence of defined best practices still exist. For efficient governance, cross-functional committees like the Splunk AI committee must be established. Organizations may leverage AI's skills to keep ahead of growing cyber threats by prioritizing data protection and cultivating a proactive mindset.

The Rising Role of CISOs

Organizations are placing a greater emphasis on Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) due to a combination of higher insurance coverage and regulatory requirements. CISOs are in a unique position to protect organizational assets and reduce risks as cybersecurity events become more common.

Evolution of Cyberwarfare

The activist assaults driving a rise in cyberwarfare events, disinformation has emerged as a major cybersecurity concern. Although phishing emails used to be the main target, cybercriminals are increasingly using cutting-edge techniques like using AI avatars to infiltrate Zoom and other virtual meetings in order to steal money. The fact that this has reached a national scale emphasizes how urgent it is to confront cybersecurity risks. As previously noted, cyberattacks are changing to target deeper supply chains, including tiny IoT devices in vital infrastructure like water systems. Preventive measures are important, but it's also critical to keep abreast of new dangers and modify existing tactics rather than doing away with them completely. Organizations may effectively handle the ever-evolving spectrum of cyber risks by keeping watchful and agile.

Ransomware Resurgence

Encryption can also be stressful when decryption keys don't work. The recent takedown was Lockbit. It was somewhat unusual for law enforcement from different countries to work together. Consequently, raise cyberskills everywhere. so creating a model of deterrence. Lockbit never stops luring people to pursue them. Since the bad guys are adapting, law enforcement personnel should follow suit. The cybercriminals never stop emerging. Establish the proper communication channel between the corporate security leader and the government. During a security problem, the company contacted the FBI, and it proved beneficial for them.

Collaboration for Resilience

While resilience is by no means a new idea, it is crucial for preserving operations and protecting against interruptions. IT teams are tasked with maintaining application uptime because it is essential to the operation of organizations. It acts as a uniting factor, bringing security and IT together under one roof. This cohesive strategy creates a feeling of shared purpose among stakeholders and offers a broad foundation for cooperation and synergy. Resilience essentially serves as a shield, providing unity and safety in the face of ever changing technical obstacles.

Looking Ahead: A 20-Year Outlook

Visibility and trust—two often-overlooked soft skills—are essential to security. Certifications must not come before interpersonal skills in future hiring. Since cyberthreats and geopolitics interact, function integration is essential. The scope of cybersecurity is expanding to include more security issues. Cyber resilience is determined by geopolitical standards in technology. To reduce risks, organizations need to establish and adhere to strict standards. Being aware of weak points, like default passwords, is essential for proactive defense. Cybersecurity is essentially the intersection of strategic planning, visibility, and trust.


According to Splunk's 2024 Security Forecast, cybersecurity is changing quickly due to the incorporation of AI, the advancement of CISO positions, and the changing nature of cyberwarfare. In order to counter rising dangers, the webinar emphasizes the value of resilience, trust, and proactive actions. Organizations need to adapt as the boundaries between security and cyber blur. Some ways to do this include encouraging collaboration, adopting technical standards, and giving risk mitigation techniques top priority. Businesses can successfully navigate the constantly shifting cybersecurity market and protect their digital assets in the years to come by remaining knowledgeable, alert, and proactive.


Predictions 2024: Security Edition

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The CISO Report


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